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into Vuntut Gwich'in waters
Gathering Places
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Long Ago
Diniizhoo, a Gwich’in gathering place
What was life like at Kâachik ?
Elder Stories
A full list of stories as told by Vuntut Gwitchin elders, along with the section where the story is found.
Alfred Charlie
Alfred Charlie describes Dagoo life at Kâachik
Gathering Places > Kâachik
Alfred Charlie tells of the long history at Black Fox Creek
On the Land > Van Tat
Andrew Tizya
Andrew Tizya described Diniizhoo
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Andrew Tizya tells of hunting at Kâachik and a New Year’s celebration
Gathering Places > Kâachik
Charlie Peter Charlie
Charlie Peter Charlie and Dagoo at Kâachik
Gathering Places > Kâachik
Charlie Peter Charlie described the 4 places Gwich’in gathered
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Charlie Thomas
Charlie Thomas’ grandfather’s tthał and his own muskratting lake are near Diniizhoo
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Charlie Thomas’ story about trapping in Van Tat in the 1920s - 1940s
On the Land > Van Tat
Charlie Thomas’ story of travel to Van Tat
On the Land > Van Tat
Clara Tizya
Clara Tizya remembered playing as a child and people immigrating to live with Van Tat Gwich’in
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Edith Josie
Muskrat and Beaver Story – Dzan, Tsèe ha, as told by Edith Josie
On the Land > Van Tat
Fanny [Tizya] Charlie
Fanny Charlie’s story of a time when the Fort McPherson people came to Kâachik
Gathering Places > Kâachik
Hannah Netro
Hannah Netro shared what her father told her about Diniizhoo
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
John Joe Kaye
John Joe Kaye’s stories of Van Tat
On the Land > Van Tat
John Joe Kyikavichik
John Joe Kyikavichik told about the games he played as a boy
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
John Joe Kyikavichik’s trip to the headwaters of Ch’oodèenjik in the 1930s
Gathering Places > Kâachik
Lazarus Charlie
Lazarus Charlie tells of travel to Kâachik as a boy
Gathering Places > Kâachik
Lydia Thomas
Lydia Thomas’ story of people coming from far away to Van Tat
On the Land > Van Tat
Mary Kassi
Mary Kassi described some games she played as a girl
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Mary Kassi related what her Elders told her about Diniizhoo
Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Mary Netro
Mary Netro’s story of living at Kâachik as a child
Gathering Places > Kâachik
Mary Thomas
Mary Thomas and hunting muskrats at Diniizhoo
On the Land > Van Tat
Myra Kaye
Myra Kaye’s story of two shanaghan and the vadzaih on the mountain
Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Neil McDonald
Neil McDonald’s story about hunting muskrats in Van Tat during times of scarcity
On the Land > Van Tat
Sarah Abel
Sarah Abel’s story of shanaghan and the people who didn’t share
Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Sarah Abel’s story of shanaghan and the shih
Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Sarah Abel’s story of two shanaghan and nanaa’in’ at a fish trap
Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Sarah Abel’s story of Van Tat in hard times
On the Land > Van Tat