Elder Stories

A full list of stories as told by Vuntut Gwitchin elders, along with the section where the story is found.
Elder Story Section
Alfred Charlie Alfred Charlie describes Dagoo life at Kâachik Gathering Places > Kâachik
Alfred Charlie tells of the long history at Black Fox Creek On the Land > Van Tat
Andrew Tizya
Andrew Tizya
Andrew Tizya described Diniizhoo Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Andrew Tizya tells of hunting at Kâachik and a New Year’s celebration Gathering Places > Kâachik
Charlie Peter Charlie
Charlie Peter Charlie
Charlie Peter Charlie and Dagoo at Kâachik Gathering Places > Kâachik
Charlie Peter Charlie described the 4 places Gwich’in gathered Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Charlie Thomas
Charlie Thomas
Charlie Thomas’ grandfather’s tthał and his own muskratting lake are near Diniizhoo Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Charlie Thomas’ story about trapping in Van Tat in the 1920s - 1940s On the Land > Van Tat
Charlie Thomas’ story of travel to Van Tat On the Land > Van Tat
Clara Tizya Clara Tizya remembered playing as a child and people immigrating to live with Van Tat Gwich’in Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Edith Josie Muskrat and Beaver Story – Dzan, Tsèe ha, as told by Edith Josie On the Land > Van Tat
Fanny [Tizya] Charlie Fanny Charlie’s story of a time when the Fort McPherson people came to Kâachik Gathering Places > Kâachik
Hannah Netro
Hannah Netro
Hannah Netro shared what her father told her about Diniizhoo Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
John Joe Kaye John Joe Kaye’s stories of Van Tat On the Land > Van Tat
John Joe Kyikavichik
John Joe Kyikavichik
John Joe Kyikavichik told about the games he played as a boy Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
John Joe Kyikavichik’s trip to the headwaters of Ch’oodèenjik in the 1930s Gathering Places > Kâachik
Lazarus Charlie Lazarus Charlie tells of travel to Kâachik as a boy Gathering Places > Kâachik
Lydia Thomas Lydia Thomas’ story of people coming from far away to Van Tat On the Land > Van Tat
Mary Kassi
Mary Kassi
Mary Kassi described some games she played as a girl Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Mary Kassi related what her Elders told her about Diniizhoo Gathering Places > Diniizhoo
Mary Netro Mary Netro’s story of living at Kâachik as a child Gathering Places > Kâachik
Mary Thomas Mary Thomas and hunting muskrats at Diniizhoo On the Land > Van Tat
Myra Kaye Myra Kaye’s story of two shanaghan and the vadzaih on the mountain Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Neil McDonald Neil McDonald’s story about hunting muskrats in Van Tat during times of scarcity On the Land > Van Tat
Sarah Abel Sarah Abel’s story of shanaghan and the people who didn’t share Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Sarah Abel’s story of shanaghan and the shih Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Sarah Abel’s story of two shanaghan and nanaa’in’ at a fish trap Long Ago > The Shanaghan
Sarah Abel’s story of Van Tat in hard times On the Land > Van Tat